Are you ready to start the journey to a healthier you?
It’s time to create the
health you really want.
Hi, I'm Dr. Lolu, an NHS GP licensed in Lifestyle Medicine and trained in Functional Medicine principles. If you’re fed up with chronic symptoms like bloating, diarrhoea, constipation, IBS, food intolerances, fatigue, brain fog, aches and pains, and you keep being told your tests are “normal”, work with me to get to the bottom of things. Using a personalised approach, I will help you start a journey towards better physical and emotional health or to make progress on your journey if you've gotten a bit stuck.
Health Symptom Quiz
Let’s start from the very beginning. Take this short quiz to find out your Personal Health Score…
Turn Down the Heat! Ebook
Five easy dietary swaps to reduce inflammation in your body and improve your health